The dreaded I-600A is out of our hands (finally) and off to The Dept of Homeland Security.
This is the form that carries a whole lot of baggage and has quite a reputation. It's the one that is mentioned at the infancy stage of this process with a clear message: "Get it out NOW"
The I-600A is the "Application for the Advance Processing of the Orphan Petition". It is for a non-specified child and is filed with the CIS (Citizenship and Immigration Services). The governement looks at your I600A along with a long list of additional paperwork to identify you as qualified. This isn't a comment on your parenting skills, the I600A is more about your qualifications in the government's eyes. It is the process of being pre-qualified to adopt. The I600 form is the form to adopt a specific child, which will come later.
Each department has such detailed filing instructions. Note the envelope below. We had specific instructions to send the package via FedX (other carriers were not acceptable) with a notation on the outside envelope in red. (see below)
It is all in the details from the beginning. And if this takes us an extra few minutes at the end of a long day to sit down and read the fine print, we're all for it!
9 years ago
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