Friday, September 18, 2009

Movin' On Up

13 Pictures, Images and Photos

We've bumped up two spots on the unoffical wait list and now proudly hold the spot of lucky number 13. Yay!

The next monthly conference call with our agency is 9/23. These calls are so informative. Each month they focus on a different topic, always kicking off with what everyone wants to know - the current wait times!

Right now we're still looking at seven'ish more months of waiting for our referral. Depending on the day, the wait can seem so far away that I can't get my head around it yet on another day it feels like we're right around the corner from starting our family.

Today was the latter type of day. I walked out of the office tonight with my boss, who had just received a call from her husband asking if she's leaving work at a normal time. He and their son were headed to the San Genarro feast in Little Italy and wanted her to meet up with them. (for those not familiar with this, it is an annual feast featuring every Italian food you can imagine on the sidewalks & streets of Little Italy - attracting 1 million people each year)

That's when I realized, wow. Next year at this time that could be us. Now granted, the SG feast is absolute chaos and not the ideal environment for a child who is still bonding with his parents. The point being, in theory we will be a family of three next year making our Friday night plans which will in turn become solid family memories for our new baby. Wow.

We are honored to be #13 and we are ready.

1 comment:

  1. Yay!!!!! You are going to catch up to me at this rate :-) And maybe in a couple years, after some good bonding time, we'll be calling you to see if the three of you want to meet the four of us at the SG feast!
