Thursday, September 17, 2009

What to do during The Wait?

Our first two months on the Wait List have passed fairly quickly. I think a lot is due to our timing falling at the end of summer when we both tend to have hearty calendars. So as we move into the fall and winter, we'll be hunkering down with eyes & minds fixated on those ahead of us on the unofficial wait list. It's standard practice for those in the early wait (like us) to root and cheer for those at the top of the list as they receive their referrals, court dates and the best dates to pick up the kiddies.

It is any day now that our very first blog friend will receive their referral for siblings. ANY day! That means carrying your cell everywhere you go at every moment of the day awaiting the 817 area code to appear. No matter where I am, I will be letting out a joyous scream for them when I read they got 'the call'. Oooo - I have goosebumps already!

In order to not wearout my welcome as a blog-stalker to others, I thought it would be constructive to have a back-up plan. And the list-lover that I am, I jotted down everything that flooded my head when I asked, "What needs to be done before we become a family of three?"

The results...

  1. get loose photos into albums
  2. create the nursery - slowly to stretch it out
  3. move the family office
  4. learn to knit (a baby blanket is the goal)
  5. begin baby's lifebook
  6. build a solidly stocked child's library
  7. learn basic Amharic
  8. reach out to more NY'ers who have adopted from Ethiopia
  9. paint the hallway
  10. re-do master bathroom/sink
  11. kitchen backsplash installed (tiles are still sitting on the floor)
  12. reorganize downstairs storage closet...making room for tricycle, stroller, carseat & all the bits :)
  13. find a big fat plush rug for baby's room to cover hardwood floor
  14. add a class at the gym (I need to be in shape for this little guy)
  15. renew passport
  16. maintain regular contact with blog friends (easy peezy!)
  17. follow & support new families entering the adoption world
  18. continue to assist with the humanitarian division of our agency
  19. assist in the launch of a humanitarian project at work
  20. read, read, read

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